• Nadpis

      • Nášmu gymnáziu a 7 partnerským školám schválili projekt v programe Erasmus + s názvom Nature Detectives. V novembri sa uskutoční prvé stretnutie koordinátorov projektu v Poľsku, v meste Pstragowa, následne bude prvé projektové stretnutie žiakov a učiteľov v Bulharsku. Webová stránka projektu je https://naturedetectivesblog.wordpress.com/

        Cieľom dvojročnej práce je objaviť, preskúmať a riadne zdokumentovať invázne druhy rastlín a živočíchov žijúcich v okolí Nových Zámkov. Naše partnerské školy sú:

        1. Publiczne gimnazjum w Pstragowej (www.zs-pstragowa.pl), Pstragowa, Poland
        2. Sredno Obshtoobrazovatelno Uchilishte "Ivan Vazov" (www.sousopot.net), Sopot, Bulgaria
        3. Scoala Gimnaziala "Samson Bodnarescu" (http://scoalagalanesti.ucoz.ro), Galanesti, Romania
        4.Százhalombattai Széchenyi István Szakközépiskola és Gimnázium (www.sziszki.hu), Százhalombatta, Hungary
        5. Colegio Santo Angel de la Guarda (http://cc.santoangel.madrid.educa.madrid.org), Madrid, Spain
        6. ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana (www.istitutocomprensivosarzana.it), Sarzana, Italy
        7. Primary School of Kouloura, Kouloura, Greece

        Gimnáziumunk és 7 partneriskolánk (Lengyel-, Olasz-, Spanyol-, Magyar-, Görögország, Bulgária és Románia) közös együttműködést indított. A projektünk címe Természetbúvárok és célunk Érsekújvár környékének feltérképezése, az invazív növények és állatok beazonosítása, fényképes dokumentációja és nemzetközi összehasonlítása, a fenn említett iskolákkal együttműködve. Bővebben angolul lejjebb. A projekt honlapja: https://naturedetectivesblog.wordpress.com/

         The project was designed to involve young people living in different sized towns and/or villages of interestingly located sites of 8 countries  in a kind of scientific, nature- oriented investigations which results would be  useful for local or wider communities . Some of our students often do not have proper educational opportunities  and some of them might   not be aware of the fact that their nearby habitat can be  interesting and challenging. As partners we have decided to focus on environmental issues which we all consider to be very important nowadays ; lots of people, including our students, are more and more disconnected with nature and its rights.

        The project focuses on teaching young people how to be responsible for environment as we are all convinced that there is a strong need to watch/predict changes in our ecosystems. Moreover, scientific matters of the project are a part of  educational curricula or programme priority of each partner school. One of our project aims is  to provoke our pupils to think about natural phenomena and its impact on our life; nature is seen here as a great source of non-verbal information; some project activities are based on watching  some chosen animals and plants species which spreaded  or were tranferred by humans from other/different habitat ( in fact the initial idea appeared ,, thanks'' to a kind of a snail) and other scientific observations. On the ground of our teaching experience  we created the following goals:  we want to improve our pupils' investigating ' skills ( logic thinking, deduction,  making conclusions); the subject of our investigation will be ''alien'' expansive plants and/or animals, which are not natural in our local habitats , looking for impact of those species on local natural environment , marking places of their appearance and informing local community about the influence of growing/having such ,,aliens'' in the area . Using all partners experience we will also focus on looking for solution how to get on well with nature with  respect to it.

        Another important issue will be friendly coexistence of people and nature, we want to discover/compare how we can ,,use'' our planet treasure - nature herritage ( solar energy, national parks,forests and their inhabitants, plants etc..., ) in local range for eco-friendly purposes, we want our students to be aware of the fact how important role this ,,local'' treasure have played for ages. We want them to discover links between some nature elements,  see that loosing balance in nature caused by people's pressure on the environment and  their activity can have long-term  consequences ; the open question: ,,positive or negative?''.

        The project includes science, nature, geography, mathematics, develops numerous language skills, encourages to a lot of outdoor activities ( there are planned 'trips to nature')  and will contain various ICT activities. The first part of the project is going to focus on doing research  in all partner schools environment what specific animals and/or  plants could be the subject of our investigations (limited number). The main idea is to share our gained knowledge on local, regional and international level and  show  simple relations f.e. between introducing/implementing /occuring alien animal and plant species and lost/increase of natural balance in local habitat . We also intend to learn about biodiversity of our places located in such different corners, even edges of Europe, compare our countries/local solutions for nature protection and make a use of good practice examples.

        We also intend our pupils/students  to be more interested in  scientific discoveries, learning and using foreign languages , making international friends and increase their motivation to learn about real life in other European countries in context of future job choices . It is very important to equip our students in knowledge and skills which will be crucial while continuing education and looking for a job in the future not only in their country but also abroad. We need our students to see how teenagers live in different countries, we hope that together we can find a solution how to promote the respect for our nature heritage  and  how to increase awarness of environmental and cultural diversity of a few European corners among both students and teachers.
        All partners schools have a group of interested in the topic cooperating institutions ( f.e . forestry) that will support us with their knowledge and wide experience.

        RESULTS / tervezett termékek

         1.Each partner schools will prepare a file including 1 science lessons scenario/plan in English ( so that every partner could translate it later into their national  language). It will contain a plan/description of the lesson to be carried out outdoors or in a classroom and all additional materials such as multimedia presentations, audiovisual materials, pictures, photos, worksheets, planned activities and other materials. During the students and teachers visit the lesson will be carried out by local/project teachers to all students. It will be an interesting language and ICT challenge for both students and teachers. It will be available on DVD, project website and eTwinning portal so every interested teacher will be able to use it in their school on lessons.
        2. PROJECT 
        3.Project ,, Nature detectives '' website and blog will be created on which all information about the project ( team , activities, mobilities, news, photos, films and other publications) will be placed. What is more, each published material ( CD, DVD,printed etc...), website and blog will have our project and ERASMUS + logo on. ( Website: Slovakia, Blog: Spain )
        FACEBOOK ,,Nature detectives  '' group will be created and open to students and teachers so that they could communicate any time, share impressions, opinions, photos and so on. The language of communication-English.(Facebook: Greek partner responsibility)
        ERASMUS+ ,,Nature detectives '' school corners to be created in every partner school in order to promote international cooperation and the project idea, to inform every person being or visiting school about the project and its aims and results.(every partner school)
        6. Multimedia presentations about each partner school including basic information about the country, region, site, school, nearby local treasure / tourist attractions or interesting sites, culture, students activities and so on.(every partner school)
        LET'S SPY OUR ALIENS-Portfolio of investigated alien species in every partner school - CD, DVD, leaflets, posters, photos with description in English and national language (every partner school)
        8. International Knowledge and quiz show ,,An eye on alien species'' (quiz: Italy)
        presentations/DVDs from each year including reports /films from trips to nature and students activities  ,
        Workshops for local community, local government, parents on investigated problems and solutions.
        Nature Detectives survival guide- a brief leaflet/ small book containing the most useful information about the proper/ expected behaviour in nature , how to observe animals and the clues how to recognise plants ( leaflet: Bulgaria and Romania,)
        International exhibition of photos ( exhibition: Hungary)
        ,,Let's Share our treasure''- exhibition of pictures, paintings, photos presenting unique natural beauty of the partner region/country in school  Erasmus + corners
        Nature Detectives  e-Book (Slovakia and Poland) in English version including chosen project activities from each country , stories, short reports written by students, maps of the school region/ area including information gained during scientific investigations which were already published on DVD, project website, blog, eTwinning  in English   and distributed among project partners, other schools in the area, parents, students, cooperating institutions, local government and so on ( Slovakia and Poland) 
        Educational computer/ board game in English to be played by  project students ( Hungary-for 14-16 year olds, Greece for 9-13 year olds)